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Why attend?

This Next Thing isn't an ordinary event, and because of this, we believe it leads to extraordinary outcomes. But as it doesn't necessarily fit the mould of typical business events...

...here are a list of reasons we think you should attend This Next Thing.

High density of interesting people
Everyone who attends has either chosen to be there or been offered a place to attend. Everyone you meet has an interesting story to tell.
An all-inclusive experience

So much time can be wasted at events worrying about trivial things like where to get lunch or dinner. In designing This Next Thing, we have tried to cut out the trivial stuff and maximise decisions down to preferences, e.g. choosing where to start, or choosing which workshop to attend.

Included in your ticket is:

Driven by serious fun
Fun is one of our guiding principles, but it also leads to serious connections. Our goal is to create a space for folks to make meaningful connections over a number of days and to strengthen those relationships through shared experiences. Stories are at the heart of this and our goal is that everyone comes away with new stories to tell.
A balance of inspiration, education, and empowerment
This Next Thing hopes to combine all of the ingredients of experience-craft that leave you with a sense of not only gratification at attending, but also of fulfillment. We combine inspiring keynote sessions with more hands-on workshops and roundtables, along with all that space to make relationships that will help you learn how to take your ideas and make them reality.